There's a vibrant technology community in Georgia, allowing companies to collaborate, pursue new business, seek funding, and network with colleagues. Click on one of our current projects to learn more about what's going on in Georgia now.

Click on the GRA Eminent Scholars below to learn more about Georgia's technology research community.

John A. Copeland, Ph.D.
Technology Transfer - Georgia Institute of Technology

Thomas Barnwell, Ph.D.
Distributed Engineering Education - Georgia Institute of Technology

James D. Foley, Ph.D.
Telecommunications - Georgia Institute of Technology

Michael J. Hannafin, Ph.D.
Technology Enhanced Learning - The University of Georgia

Ramesh C. Jain, Ph.D.
Experiential Embedded Systems - Georgia Institute of Technology

Jiri Janata, Ph.D.
Sensors and Instrumentation - Georgia Institute of Technology


Nikil Jayant, Ph.D.
Wireless Systems - Georgia Institute of Technology

Biing Hwang (Fred) Juang, Ph.D.
Advanced Communications - Georgia Institute of Technology

Lars Mathiassen, Ph.D.
Digital Commerce - Georgia State University

Rick Trebino, Ph.D.
Ultrafast Optical Physics - Georgia Instituteof Technology

Rao R. Tummala, Ph.D.
Multichip Packaging - Georgia Institute of Technology